December 25, 2020

Websites, Apps, or Branding? A Guide For Your Business.

Joe Deptowicz

Website's drive leads and sales. Apps immerse users and make you products essential. And branding sears your business into the minds of your customers (for better or for worse).

Yes, it's great to have all three but what if you're starting with next to nothing and don't know where to start?

Below, we detail three factors to guide your decision making and help you kickstart your business.

1. Primary Growth Factor

What is your bestselling product or service? If you can answer that confidently you've identified your primary growth factor. Pour everything you have into that! If that product is a new book, upgrading your website to highlight the book's reviews, content and more should be the priority. Maybe you're also looking to expand your offering and launch an app in tandem with your book, taking it to the new level.

John Eldredge, the New York Times Best Selling Author of "Get Your Life Back" launched his app "One Minute Pause" in partnership with his book causing both to be wildly successful. Oddly enough, the book and app, while referencing one another, look like two entirely different products. Successful branding would unite them as one offering with cohesive messaging and aesthetics.

2. Budget Tiering

The results are in and it turns out every business could use a brand new website, app, and branding. However, those items add up. But is it possible to be on a budget and still get all three? Yes! By developing a budget tier your organization's wants and needs become defined, prioritizing primary growth factors first. A new landing page or website is much more affordable than a custom app. But, if done correctly that first step could easily lead to the financial resources to begin the app, then allowing you to bolster your brand. Budget tiering affords you the opportunity to build with purpose, without wasting time or money.

3. Think Like Your Customer

When it comes down to making the final decision you've got to ask yourself, "What do my customers care about most?" If your customers love your business but the brand is weak, give them something to celebrate! A new brand isn't just a facelift. If done right it increases brand loyalty and awareness across your user base. If your website is difficult to navigate give it a redesign that highlights your product and intended user journey. Maybe a custom app, however simple or complex, will deeply immerse new and existing customers into your business's ecosystem even when they're not interacting with you.

Decision-making in business is almost always difficult, but when it comes to bolstering your brand or digital products remember to think like your customer, tier your budget, and always build around your primary growth factor. Ready. Set. Go! Need help deciding or create your website, app, or brand? Click here to get a free consultation.

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